Friday 29 May 2015

How to: DIY Colouring Pencil Photo Frame

DIY Colouring Pencil Photo Frame

At the moment, I'm really digging decorating with things that are both practical and pretty - I prefer items that have a purpose rather than endless knick knacks that just collect dust, no matter how adorable they are. This colouring pencil frame is such a simple idea, yet I love how it turned out - I spotted a similar frame whilst shopping in Debenhams (aaaahh, their home section is to. die. for.), and instantly thought 'I could do that.' And do it I did, and I'm pleasantly surprised with the results - it's so bright and cheerful, and yet is such a simple idea!

Whilst the process was super easy, if a little time consuming, I thought I'd share how I did it here for those of you looking to add a statement to your photos...

You will need:
  • A photo frame with a deep frame (I like these)
  • Cheap colouring pencils
  • A small hand saw
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Glue Gun
DIY Colouring Pencil Photo Frame

1. Measure the width of your frame area, so you can work out how long you need to cut your pencils in order to fit them in place. 

2. Cut your colouring pencils into sections of the desired length (mine were 5cm, or just over 1 inch). 

DIY Colouring Pencil Photo Frame

3. This is the time consuming part! You'll need to sharpen the segments of pencil which do not have a pointed end. Put on a box set or a podcast, because this can take a while! Note: I don't think I've sharpened so many pencils since primary school - that sharpening smell took me back in time!

DIY Colouring Pencil Photo Frame

DIY Colouring Pencil Photo Frame

4. Now the fun part - you can arrange your pencil segments into place on your frame. Do it temporarily at first, using blue tac if you wish, until you are happy with your layout. Then use the glue gun to secure the pencil segments permanently. 

When finished, it's simply a case of choosing what you want to grace the inside of your photoframe, whether it's a photograph, a piece of typography, or a fun postcard, it looks bright and jazzy regardless! At the moment, I'm a big fan of the postcard selection in Paperchase; they have a huuuge instore choice of fun, brightly coloured postcards which are perfect for non-committal decorating - simply pin them up, or hang them in a frame, and they add a touch of whimsy to any corner. The giant watermelon on the beach instantly caught my eye (yep, it's a little surreal, but it makes me smile every time I see it).

DIY Colouring Pencil Photo Frame

DIY Colouring Pencil Photo Frame

In an ideal world, I think this pencil colouring frame would work perfectly in a home office, but my lack of an office means that mine is on display on my windowsill. The mix of colours works great in any room, and won't mismatch if I repaint. However, wouldn't this also look great in a restricted colour palette, or using the classic HB drawing pencils? Even though I gave myself blisters pencil sharpening (no joke), I think I can see many more of these to come.

As ever, let me know if you try this!


  1. I love this idea, it is such a cheery little frame!! I admire your creativity, I have missed being into my crafts <3

    1. Thanks Anna! It's one of my first projects in a while, so it definitely felt good to heat up my glue gun again! :D

  2. This is such a lovely idea Charlotte, and it looks really cute!

    1. Thanks Gemma! I'm surprised with how well it turned out in the end - I was worried it would look a little messy, but luckily it worked out well in the end! :)
