Saturday 31 January 2015

Weekend #3: January 2015 Round Up

Instagram January 2015
Photos from my instagram

Now that January's drawing to a close, it's starting to feel like we're 'properly' settled into 2015 now (early January is just an extension of Christmas, amirite?). Although it has to be said that the amount of snow we've been having at the moment is making it feel like Christmas all over again. So, I'm going to take a few minutes snuggled up with a huuuge blanket to write about bits and pieces from January. Enjoy!

Sunday 25 January 2015

Weekend #2: A Letter to the Future

This week seems to have gone by in a blur; juggling work, uni reading, and voluntary commitments with other things, has meant that I've been more than ready to embrace a couple of days of doing nothing but schlepping around home wearing a onesie. So, let the relaxation continue, as I share what I've been up to this weekend!

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Mid-Week Treat: Haberdashery at The Range

The Range Craft Ribbons

Happy Wednesday, folks! You know the drill by now - it's humpday, in the middle of a hectic week, and I'm bringing you some inexpensive buys to brighten your day. I visited The Range a couple of weeks ago, and can never leave empty handed, especially when it comes to the craft or homeware sections. Have a look-see at what I bought!

Monday 19 January 2015

Finding My Style

Finding my Style

In the past few months, I have been having a wardrobe dilemma. I used to have a clearly defined sense of style, which meant that both getting dressed in a morning and shopping for clothes were simple. However, since becoming more interested in making my own clothes, and seeing the possibilities that come from that, my style seems disjointed and all over the place. I find myself only wearing a small part of my wardrobe - not wearing things I've made, as well as things I've bought. However, I recently discovered the problem with my buying and making habits, which has enabled me to make a change.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Weekend #1: Llangollen

Recently, I've decided that I want Awake + Make to become a little more personal, serving as a place where I record things that I do, and places I go, and featuring a little more lifestyle content. No worries - I'll still be posting my usual content as well, but I want a little more variety. So, without further ado let me introduce you to the Weekend posts, where I'll just be sharing snippets of my week, and things that I've been up to. Hope you all enjoy!

Monday 12 January 2015

Finding Time

We all have that one thing that we really want to do, but in reality never find the time for. Reading, exercise, baking, going out for an evening - the list could go on. I know I've certainly been struggling to juggle my time in the past week, which has probably been the result of me being spoilt with two weeks off from everything over Christmas and the new year. Now that I'm getting back into the swing of things, I've decided that one thing I really want to be able to do this year is to manage my time more effectively. Not necessarily for the things I have to do (like work and studying), but to allow myself more time to do the things that I love doing, but struggle to find time for.

So, here are the things that I'll be doing to make more time...

Friday 9 January 2015

Thrifted Finds #1

Pinafore and saddlebag

It's been a while since I've done one of these posts, but definitely not because I haven't found anything worth buying! Some of the stuff here dates back to before Christmas, so I've just picked out some of my favourite buys from the past couple of months of second-hand shopping.

Monday 5 January 2015

The Knitted Turban Beanie: Take 1

Knitted Turban Beanie: Take 1

Sometimes, I don't get started on a project as soon as I get inspiration, and the idea can be left hanging around for quite a while. If it's one that I keep returning to however, I know that I have to try it out, just for the sake of curiosity. This is one such project. It started off with this pin, which I think I found a good few months ago. The one thing that caught my eye about this turban beanie was the clever construction, as most I've seen just use an extra knitted "knot" to tie at the front. This one intrigued me for a long time, until things came to a head lately and I decided to figure it out. Whilst I'm not completely happy with this first attempt, I've learnt a lot from it, and am itching to give it another go...

Thursday 1 January 2015

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead 2015

So here it is - the obligatory post on my hopes and goals for 2015. But no fear - I won't be getting overly soul searchy here, as instead I'll be talking about all of my creative goals for the coming year. So, to find out what it is I'm hoping to be making, the techniques I'm hoping to master, and the lessons I'm hoping to learn, read on!